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A Foggy Moose Hunt
© By Sam Holloway


Last fall I had a strange experience while moose-hunting by boat down the Teslin River. I had camped on the riverbank for the night and found fresh moose tracks leading up a mountain on the east side of the river.

I followed those tracks, up and up and up till I got past the tree-line and saw a huge moose out in the open. Bang, bang, down it went and then I realized my mistake: how was I going to get the meat down to my boat? It turned dark up there on the mountain and I could feel big snowflakes hitting my face like cold kisses. Then a thick fog rolled up the sidehill from the river below.

So there I was in the dark, fogged in and vibrating from the cold. Rather than freeze to death waiting for daylight, here's what I did: I sliced the belly open and rolled the guts out of that old moose; then I crawled inside for the night. Nice and warm. Moist, too.

I was dreaming about my mother when I felt something tugging at the moose. I opened the belly flap just a bit and peeked outside. A pack of a dozen or more wolves surrounded me, looking like they were about to eat the moose and me with it. But then I realized: we were moving! Those wolves had that moose on the drag!

From inside the moose's belly, I caught hold of the tailbone with one hand and the Adam's apple with the other and found out I could steer that thing. You know, like using the rudder on your boat.

With the wolves dragging it at full gallop, I steered that moose right down to my boat. Then I jumped out and shot one of the wolves and the rest scattered in all directions.

I floated downriver till I got to Carmacks where I had left my truck. In the Carmacks Hotel I sold the wolf-hide to a German tourist. Then I tossed the meat into old Dodgy and drove home.

Windy Farr of Dawson had a similar experience some years ago so I guess it can happen to anybody. If you find yourself steering a moose, don't forget how to grab the tailbone and neckbone from the inside, and you'll be home with the meat in no time at all.

(This story is for Dr. Fugazzotto in Pennsylvania)

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